The New Year is a celebration of the past 365
days and looking forward to positive change in the future.
Many resolutions are made to live healthier,
better, and longer moving forward. Are you planning to do that this upcoming
new year?
The Problem
I’m honestly not impressed with New Year’s
resolutions and here’s why – they are often just a temporary condition.
I’m not being a Darla downer here and the
biggest cheerleader for those keeping their resolutions to get and stay
I am not a believer in waiting for a New Year to
get healthy. The moment is always now to improve yourself IMO.
What Is a Resolution?
Do you know the word resolution means a firm
decision to do or not do something? It’s a promise to yourself that should be
taken seriously. Too often these promises fizzle out in a few short months.
This continues to remain the largest problem
with resolutions to get healthy. Many people are motivated in the beginning but it doesn’t
last long.
Why Wait?
I don’t feel a special day is required to commit
to improving your health. Each day should be about making healthy choices
and doing your best. And the longer you wait, the longer it will take to achieve
Marketing Madness
Do you spend lots of money on fad diets and
supplements at New Year’s?
The fitness industry is a multi-billion-dollar
business ready for you during its biggest money-making holiday. Companies
marketing fitness products are saying everything you want to hear to get you to
They will promise you quick weight loss,
increased muscle size, and improved athletic performance. As consumers, many of
you are believing the claims and overspending on pseudo-fitness.
This is nothing but marketing madness on
The Excuse Holiday
How many of you are using the holiday season to
be unhealthy until New Year?
Many people feel validated to eat and drink
whatever they want until resolution day. This is unhealthy thinking and
behavior. How is using a holiday as an excuse to overindulge for several
months considered a good thing?
I see nothing healthy about this mindset.
Studies indicate resolutions last for about 4
weeks. So, all that overeating, weight gain, hangovers, and stress overload is
for nothing. It’s an excuse to be negligent with your body and health.
Better Thinking
Instead of feeling entitled to disregard your
health heading into New Year, it would be better to adopt an appreciation for
being a fit person and celebrating that accomplishment.
As far as resolutions are concerned, I believe
in daily resolutions. These would be choices and changes to improve your life
each day, not just for a month. This may include improved ways to exercise, getting
more rest, or spending quality time with your spouse. You get the point.
New Year is a meaningful way to celebrate your healthy achievements made over 365
days. It’s a fabulous celebration and reflection of the past year and the
New Year to come.
If you’re resolving to become healthier and New
Year just so happens to be the day of that choice, my advice is to take it
seriously and make it a priority.
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