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For centuries, castor oil packs have been used in Ayurvedic medicine to foster the process of healing, diminish inflammation, and enhance circulation. Historical records...
At New River Women’s Health, we’re committed to supporting women through every stage of life, including menopause. As women transition through menopause, they may...
Extreme. Insanity. Obsession
Sound familiar? Like words associated with fitness programs that constantly pop up on TV and on your social media feeds, perhaps?
Listen, it’s no wonder that many of us believe that working harder and eating less — or in other words, doing more — is the only way to get amazing results.
For a really long time, I took that message to heart. I wore it like a badge of honor. I exercised for several hours a day, sometimes even doing two workouts in the same day. I also followed a very strict diet that didn’t even come close to fueling the amount of work I was asking my body to do (or allow my...