The 100-Day Reclaim Book is Here

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The 100-Day Reclaim Book is HereWhen was the last time you felt guilty because you ate a favorite dessert or meal? Have you ever wondered why feeling guilty after eating our favorite foods, or any food, is even an optional response?

When did you last use a workout as punishment, perhaps for overindulging or missing several workouts? Have you ever done a workout to “earn” the right to eat a favorite treat or to “atone” for “blowing your diet”?

Have you ever attached your self-worth to the number you saw on the bathroom scale, or had your day ruined by it?

A better question is, why do we do these unhelpful things? Why do we value ourselves by some arbitrary number? Why do we follow rigid diets that can create a fear of food? Why do we allow health and fitness, something that is supposed to make us feel great about ourselves and improve our quality of life, be a continuous source of frustration that leaves us feeling less than?

Enough is enough.

It’s time for you to reclaim health and fitness, and make it the empowering lifestyle it’s supposed to be. And that is what you’ll do with my new book, The 100-Day Reclaim. (Paid link.)

The book contains 100 daily readings. Bite-sized lessons that you’ll practice or be mindful of throughout the day. Readings range from topics about food, fitness, mindset, and other helpful lessons.

If you’re ready to rid your mind and life of the multitude of nonsense that’s become entwined with health and fitness, and regain your sanity in the process, get your copy of The 100-Day Reclaim today. Now available on Amazon.

Click here to get The 100-Day Reclaim.

This book is for the person who knows that how they eat and work out should make them feel great about themselves. That health and fitness should be an enjoyable, sustainable, empowering lifestyle free from obsession, deprivation, frustration, guilt, and a negative body image … but struggles to make it happen.

The 100-Day Reclaim contains daily readings so each day you have one thing — a task or lesson — to practice or focus on. The result? Health and fitness will become the empowering lifestyle it’s supposed to be. Click here to get your copy.